
DronaHQ Plugin REST API provide access to the DronaHQ notifications and provide methods to perform the following action(s)-

Send Notification

This API can be used to send notification to one or more users within the scope of its tokenkey.


PUT /v2/notifications

Request Parameters

Request Body Data

Parameter Value Type Description
token_key string Your API key. Check authentication for more details.
user_id array Required. A string array of the DronaHQ user ID or user Email ID. A maximum of 50 IDs can be sent in one request.
message string Required. Text message to be sent as notification. A maximum of 160 characters are accepted as message.
data string Optional. A custom JSON string to be sent along with the notification. This data can be retrieved using device API of dronahq.js.


On error, the header status code is an error code and the response body contains an error object.

On success, the HTTP status code in the response header is 200 OK and the response body contains an JSON object.

Success Response Data

Parameter Value Type Description
noti_id integer Unique ID of the sent notification. <br> This ID can be used to later delete the notification from users inbox.
user_success array A string array of user IDs to whom the notification has been sent successfully.
user_failed array A string array of invalid user IDs to whom notifications could not be delivered.

Delete Notification

This API can be used to delete a notification on the basis of notification id within the scope of its tokenkey.


DELETE /notifications/{noti_id}


URL Segment

Parameter Value Type Description
noti_id integer Unique ID of the notification to be deleted.

Query string

Parameter Value Type Description
token_key string Your API key. Check authentication for more details.

Response Format

On error, the header status code is an error code and the response body contains an error object.

On success, the HTTP status code in the response header is 204 No Content.